“Ayubowan”, in the language of the Sinhalese people, means more than merely welcome; it means that, while we greet you joyfully, we also express the wish “May you live long!.”
Sri Lanka is an island of infinite variety. Set like a jewelled pendant in the Indian Ocean, it has a length of 435km from north to south, and at its widest point it measures 225km giving it a land area of 65,000 sq.km, from shining coast to mist-covered mountains and everything in-between.

Why Sri Lanka ?
From tropical, soft-sand beaches and warm, inviting seas, a four-hour journey by road or rail leads to breath taking mountain scenery, tea covered slopes and temperate climes in the south-central hills of the Knuckles Ranges; to the proud immensity of historical the Ancient City of Anuradhapura, once metropolises of a great civilization; to fabled mines of sapphires and ruby, moonstone, and topaz; or to wildlife conservation reserves rich in unique, endemic wildlife.
All along the way are rustic villages, exotic flora, panoramic views, temples and sanctuaries, cottage industries and traditional arts and crafts centres; the unique way to a life of a people whose charm is irresistible.
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